For as far back as I can remember I have suffered from #chestwrinkles and I can’t believe it has taken me this long to find something that prevents them. If you are unfortunate like myself, you will understand the frustration that comes with seeing these pesky, unsightly lines when you wake up in the morning.
When you wake up, they are at their worst, then as the day progresses, they get less visible but never disappear completely. Then the next morning ,there they are, again.

I googled preventions and cures for the lines, and tried all of the recommendations I could find. I have always been an irregular sleeper, I toss and turn from my back to my side with arms in front, and behind, then underneath me, and so on and so on.
So when I tried sleeping on my back it was impossible, and I always woke up on my side, I also tried sleeping in a bra and sleeping with a pillow in-between my breasts, but every morning I would wake up with these ugly lines. I tried lathering my skin in moisturisers and coconut oil but it would only make the slightest difference and I would break out in little red spots on my chest which just caused me more frustration.

Then, one day, I was googling eye wrinkle pads on Amazon and decided to Google “chest pads”, and “oh em gee” was that a “light bulb” moment for me. I read all the reviews and couldn’t believe I had never heard of this product before. I purchased one straightaway and had it delivered that week. Got to love Amazon xx.
I used it that evening and the next morning, I couldn’t believe what I saw. No chest wrinkles. Not one. From ONE nights use.
This small, simple product has given me back so much confidence, I am no longer ashamed about showing off my chest.

So I wrote this blog post to help others who may be in the same situation as me and are looking for a cost effective alternative to more invasive procedures, although to be honest I would have paid anything to fix mine, I was literally a call away from booking a Botox appointment but finding this product has saved me mega bucks!!
I hope this article helps others like me! So,

Decollete wrinkles or chest wrinkles are unsightly vertical lines on the chest which can make the chest look much older than the persons actual age. These wrinkles, can be caused by a number of different factors. The most common of these include side sleeping, sun damage, natural aging, toxins in the environment, and gravity. It has nothing to do with the size of your breasts, trust me I am a size 32A and I STILL suffer from chest wrinkles.
They look like this..

Wrinkle formation is a complex process that is primarily driven by diminished hydration and reduced collagen production within the skin. This diminished hydration and reduced collagen production cause the skin to lose elasticity and firmness resulting in unsightly wrinkles. As you age, these wrinkles deepen and become more permanent. One of the areas most susceptible to wrinkling is a woman’s chest area.

There are a number of solutions to treat and prevent decollete and chest wrinkles like lotions, chemical peels, laser therapy, injections, and even surgery. Lotions and creams can be an inexpensive and easy way to treat and prevent wrinkles, but they take a while to work. Maybe a month or two.
All of these come with their own possibility of side effects.
More recently, silicone chest pads have become a popular solution and for good reason. No risks, affordable and easy to use at home.

Shower just before bed, making sure your chest is free from oils and any creams. Peel the silicone pad off its wrapping and place it on your chest. It feels silky smooth and is very comfortable to sleep in.
I still slept on my side a bit but the chest pad is thick enough to hold the skin flat/tight and is also a comfortable reminder to try and sleep on my back.The chest pad provides support while you toss and turn in your sleep to the delicate skin between your breasts.
The chest pad can help keep your breasts separated no matter what position you sleep in. When you wake up, peel the pad off and place it back in it’s wrapping, to be used again.
On a side note, prevention is better than cure so do try stay out of the sun and always wear sunscreen. Remember the face, neck and chest are sensitive and age the most so look after these troublesome areas.
Especially in South Africa, where the sun is really harsh. You can’t stop time, but you can slow it down. And when your friends laugh at you for covering up while they bask in the sun, just ignore them. You will be the one laughing when they look 20 years older than they should!

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Try it and see if it works for you.
Please leave us a review once you have purchased, and let us know what you think of the product.